Rider Weight Air Pressure Rebound
Pounds Shorthand Kilograms Shorthand PSI Shorthand Clicks from closed
121 55 55
143 65 65
165 75 75
187 85 85
209 95 100
253 115 120

* Be sure to close the rebound dial, turn clockwise until dial stops. To set, count clicks turning counter-clockwise.

Rider Weight Air Pressure Rebound
Pounds Shorthand Kilograms Shorthand PSI Shorthand Clicks from closed
60 27 25 20
70 32 27 20
80 36 30 20
90 41 35 20
100 45 40 20
110 50 45 20
120 54 50 20
130 59 55 20
140 63 60 20
150 68 67 20
160 73 75 19
170 77 82 18
180 82 90 17
190 86 97 17
200 91 105 16
210 95 115 14
220 100 125 12
230 104 140 10
240 109 150 10
250 113 160 9
315 143 225 9

* Be sure to close the rebound dial, turn clockwise until dial stops. To set, count clicks turning counter-clockwise.

Rider Weight Air Pressure Rebound
Pounds Shorthand Kilograms Shorthand PSI Shorthand Clicks from closed
60 27 35 4
70 32 37 4
80 36 40 3
90 41 45 3
100 45 50 2
110 50 55 2
120 54 60 2
130 59 65 2
140 63 70 2
150 68 77 2
160 73 85 1
170 77 93 1
180 82 100 1
190 86 110 1
200 91 120 1
210 95 130 1
220 100 140 1
230 104 150 0
240 109 160 0
250 113 170 0
285 129 205 0

* Be sure to close the rebound dial, turn clockwise until dial stops. To set, count clicks turning counter-clockwise.

Rider Weight Air Pressure Rebound
Pounds Shorthand Kilograms Shorthand PSI Shorthand Clicks from closed
100 45 45 12
110 50 50 11
120 54 55 11
130 59 60 11
140 63 65 10
150 68 70 10
160 73 75 10
170 77 80 9
180 82 85 9
190 86 90 8
200 91 95 7
210 95 100 7
220 100 105 6
230 104 110 6
240 109 115 5
250 113 120 5
336 152 163 5

* Be sure to close the rebound dial, turn clockwise until dial stops. To set, count clicks turning counter-clockwise.

Rider Weight Air Pressure Rebound
Pounds Shorthand Kilograms Shorthand PSI Shorthand Clicks from closed
60 27 35 20
70 32 37 20
80 36 40 20
90 41 45 20
100 45 50 20
110 50 55 20
120 54 60 20
130 59 65 18
140 63 70 16
150 68 77 15
160 73 85 14
170 77 93 13
180 82 100 12
190 86 110 11
200 91 120 10
210 95 130 10
220 100 140 10
230 104 150 9
240 109 155 9
250 113 160 8
330 150 200 8

* Be sure to close the rebound dial, turn clockwise until dial stops. To set, count clicks turning counter-clockwise.

Rider Weight Air Pressure Rebound
Pounds Shorthand Kilograms Shorthand PSI Shorthand Clicks from closed
60 27 27 12
70 32 30 12
80 36 33 12
90 41 38 12
100 45 44 12
110 50 48 12
120 54 55 12
130 59 60 11
140 63 65 10
150 68 70 9
160 73 75 9
170 77 80 8
180 82 85 7
190 86 90 7
200 91 95 6
210 95 100 5
220 100 105 4
230 104 112 4
240 109 120 3
250 113 130 3
283 128 163 3

* Be sure to close the rebound dial, turn clockwise until dial stops. To set, count clicks turning counter-clockwise.

Rider Weight Air Pressure Rebound
Pounds Shorthand Kilograms Shorthand PSI Shorthand Clicks from closed
110 50 50 1
120 54 55 1
130 59 60 1
140 63 64 1
150 68 68 1
160 73 73 1
170 77 78 1
180 82 82 1
190 86 87 1
200 91 91 1
210 95 96 1
220 100 100 1
230 104 105 1
240 109 110 1
250 113 114 1

* Be sure to close the rebound dial, turn clockwise until dial stops. To set, count clicks turning counter-clockwise.

Rider Weight Air Pressure Rebound
Pounds Shorthand Kilograms Shorthand PSI Shorthand Clicks from closed
120 54 162 10
130 59 176 9
140 63 190 8
150 68 204 7
160 73 218 6
170 77 233 6
180 82 247 5
190 86 261 4
200 91 276 3
210 95 290 2
220 100 304 1
230 104 318 0

* Be sure to close the rebound dial, turn clockwise until dial stops. To set, count clicks turning counter-clockwise.

Rider Weight Air Pressure Rebound
Pounds Shorthand Kilograms Shorthand PSI Shorthand Clicks from closed
120 54 162 10
130 59 176 9
140 63 190 8
150 68 204 7
160 73 218 6
170 77 233 6
180 82 247 5
190 86 261 4
200 91 276 3
210 95 290 2
220 100 304 1
230 104 318 0

* Be sure to close the rebound dial, turn clockwise until dial stops. To set, count clicks turning counter-clockwise.

Rider Weight Air Pressure Rebound
Pounds Shorthand Kilograms Shorthand PSI Shorthand Clicks from closed
120 54 187 9
130 59 201 8
140 63 214 7
150 68 228 6
160 73 241 6
170 77 254 5
180 82 268 4
190 86 281 3
200 91 294 3
210 95 308 2
220 100 321 1
230 104 334 0

* Be sure to close the rebound dial, turn clockwise until dial stops. To set, count clicks turning counter-clockwise.

Rider Weight Air Pressure Rebound
Pounds Shorthand Kilograms Shorthand PSI Shorthand Clicks from closed
60 27 35 20
70 32 37 20
80 36 40 20
90 41 45 20
100 45 50 20
110 50 55 20
120 54 60 20
130 59 65 18
140 63 70 16
150 68 77 15
160 73 85 14
170 77 93 13
180 82 100 12
190 86 110 11
200 91 120 10
210 95 130 10
220 100 140 10
230 104 150 9
240 109 155 9
250 113 160 8
330 150 200 8

* Be sure to close the rebound dial, turn clockwise until dial stops. To set, count clicks turning counter-clockwise.

Rider Weight Air Pressure Rebound
Pounds Shorthand Kilograms Shorthand PSI Shorthand Clicks from closed
60 27 25 20
70 32 27 20
80 36 30 20
90 41 33 20
100 45 37 20
110 50 42 20
120 54 47 20
130 59 55 20
140 63 60 20
150 68 70 20
160 73 75 19
170 77 80 18
180 82 90 18
190 86 97 17
200 91 105 16
210 95 115 15
220 100 130 14
230 104 140 13
240 109 150 12
250 113 160 10
315 143 225 10

* Be sure to close the rebound dial, turn clockwise until dial stops. To set, count clicks turning counter-clockwise.

Rider Weight Air Pressure Rebound
Pounds Shorthand Kilograms Shorthand PSI Shorthand Clicks from closed
88 40 45 8
134 61 65 8
145 66 70 8
154 70 74 7
168 76 80 7
180 82 85 6
191 87 90 6
205 93 96 5
216 98 101 5
228 103 106 4
239 108 111 4
253 115 117 3
260 118 120 1
265 120 122 2

* Be sure to close the rebound dial, turn clockwise until dial stops. To set, count clicks turning counter-clockwise.

Rider Weight Air Pressure Rebound
Pounds Shorthand Kilograms Shorthand PSI Shorthand Clicks from closed
119 54 55 13
120 54 59 12
129 59 63 11
138 63 67 10
157 71 75 9
159 72 76 8
168 76 80 7
180 82 85 6
189 86 89 5
198 90 93 4
207 94 97 3
219 99 102 2
228 103 106 1
260 118 120 0

* Be sure to close the rebound dial, turn clockwise until dial stops. To set, count clicks turning counter-clockwise.

Rider Weight Air Pressure Rebound
Pounds Shorthand Kilograms Shorthand PSI Shorthand Clicks from closed
120 54 113 9
130 59 126 9
140 63 139 8
150 68 152 8
160 73 165 7
170 77 178 6
180 82 191 6
190 86 204 5
200 91 217 5
210 95 231 4
220 100 244 3
230 104 257 3

* Be sure to close the rebound dial, turn clockwise until dial stops. To set, count clicks turning counter-clockwise.

Rider Weight Air Pressure Rebound
Pounds Shorthand Kilograms Shorthand PSI Shorthand Clicks from closed
120 54 129 13
130 59 143 12
140 63 157 11
150 68 171 10
160 73 185 9
170 77 199 7
180 82 212 6
190 86 226 5
200 91 240 4
210 95 254 3
220 100 268 2
230 104 282 1

* Be sure to close the rebound dial, turn clockwise until dial stops. To set, count clicks turning counter-clockwise.

Rider Weight Air Pressure Rebound
Pounds Shorthand Kilograms Shorthand PSI Shorthand Clicks from closed
100 45 45 17
110 50 50 16
120 54 55 15
130 59 60 15
140 63 65 15
150 68 70 14
160 73 75 13
170 77 80 13
180 82 85 13
190 86 90 12
200 91 95 11
210 95 100 9
220 100 105 8
230 104 110 7
240 109 115 7
250 113 120 6
336 152 163 6

* Be sure to close the rebound dial, turn clockwise until dial stops. To set, count clicks turning counter-clockwise.

Rider Weight Air Pressure Rebound
Pounds Shorthand Kilograms Shorthand PSI Shorthand Clicks from closed
100 45 105 14
110 50 118 13
120 54 131 12
130 59 145 11
140 63 158 10
150 68 171 10
160 73 184 9
170 77 198 8
180 82 211 7
190 86 224 6
200 91 238 5
210 95 251 5
220 100 264 4
230 104 278 3

* Be sure to close the rebound dial, turn clockwise until dial stops. To set, count clicks turning counter-clockwise.

Rider Weight Air Pressure Rebound
Pounds Shorthand Kilograms Shorthand PSI Shorthand Clicks from closed
120 54 196 12
130 59 208 11
140 63 220 10
150 68 233 10
160 73 245 9
170 77 257 8
180 82 269 7
190 86 281 6
200 91 293 6

* Be sure to close the rebound dial, turn clockwise until dial stops. To set, count clicks turning counter-clockwise.

Rider Weight Air Pressure Rebound
Pounds Shorthand Kilograms Shorthand PSI Shorthand Clicks from closed
76 34 45 13
134 61 65 13
145 66 70 12
154 70 74 11
168 76 80 10
180 82 85 9
191 87 90 8
205 93 96 7
216 98 101 6
228 103 106 5
239 108 111 4
253 115 117 3
260 118 120 1
265 120 122 2

* Be sure to close the rebound dial, turn clockwise until dial stops. To set, count clicks turning counter-clockwise.

Rider Weight Air Pressure Rebound
Pounds Shorthand Kilograms Shorthand PSI Shorthand Clicks from closed
100 45 45 12
110 50 50 11
120 54 55 11
130 59 60 11
140 63 65 10
150 68 70 10
160 73 75 10
170 77 80 9
180 82 85 9
190 86 90 8
200 91 95 7
210 95 100 7
220 100 105 6
230 104 110 6
240 109 115 5
250 113 120 5
336 152 163 5

* Be sure to close the rebound dial, turn clockwise until dial stops. To set, count clicks turning counter-clockwise.

Rider Weight Air Pressure Rebound
Pounds Shorthand Kilograms Shorthand PSI Shorthand Clicks from closed
60 27 35 20
70 32 37 20
80 36 40 20
90 41 45 20
100 45 50 20
110 50 55 20
120 54 60 20
130 59 65 18
140 63 70 16
150 68 77 15
160 73 85 14
170 77 93 13
180 82 100 12
190 86 110 11
200 91 120 10
210 95 130 10
220 100 140 10
230 104 150 9
240 109 155 9
250 113 160 8
330 150 200 8

* Be sure to close the rebound dial, turn clockwise until dial stops. To set, count clicks turning counter-clockwise.

Rider Weight Air Pressure Rebound
Pounds Shorthand Kilograms Shorthand PSI Shorthand Clicks from closed
60 27 27 12
70 32 30 12
80 36 33 12
90 41 38 12
100 45 44 12
110 50 48 12
120 54 55 12
130 59 60 11
140 63 65 10
150 68 70 9
160 73 75 9
170 77 80 8
180 82 85 7
190 86 90 7
200 91 95 6
210 95 100 5
220 100 105 4
230 104 112 4
240 109 120 3
250 113 130 3
283 128 163 3

* Be sure to close the rebound dial, turn clockwise until dial stops. To set, count clicks turning counter-clockwise.

Rider Weight Air Pressure Rebound
Pounds Shorthand Kilograms Shorthand PSI Shorthand Clicks from closed
100 45 45 13
110 50 50 12
120 54 55 11
130 59 60 10
140 63 65 9
150 68 70 9
160 73 75 8
170 77 80 8
180 82 85 8
190 86 90 7
200 91 95 7
210 95 100 6
220 100 105 4
230 104 110 4
240 109 115 3
250 113 120 3
336 152 163 3

* Be sure to close the rebound dial, turn clockwise until dial stops. To set, count clicks turning counter-clockwise.

Rider Weight Air Pressure Rebound
Pounds Shorthand Kilograms Shorthand PSI Shorthand Clicks from closed
60 27 35 17
70 32 35 17
80 36 35 17
90 41 35 17
100 45 35 17
110 50 40 16
120 54 45 15
130 59 50 15
140 63 55 15
150 68 60 14
160 73 65 13
170 77 70 13
180 82 75 13
190 86 80 12
200 91 85 11
210 95 90 9
220 100 95 8
230 104 100 7
240 109 105 7
250 113 110 6
260 118 148 6

* Be sure to close the rebound dial, turn clockwise until dial stops. To set, count clicks turning counter-clockwise.

Rider Weight Air Pressure Rebound
Pounds Shorthand Kilograms Shorthand PSI Shorthand Clicks from closed
88 40 45 13
134 61 65 13
145 66 70 12
154 70 74 11
168 76 80 10
180 82 85 9
191 87 90 8
205 93 96 7
216 98 101 6
228 103 106 5
239 108 111 4
253 115 117 3
260 118 120 1
265 120 122 2

* Be sure to close the rebound dial, turn clockwise until dial stops. To set, count clicks turning counter-clockwise.

Rider Weight Air Pressure Rebound
Pounds Shorthand Kilograms Shorthand PSI Shorthand Clicks from closed
100 45 81 16
110 50 89 15
120 54 97 14
130 59 105 13
140 63 112 11
150 68 120 10
160 73 128 9
170 77 136 8
180 82 143 7
190 86 151 6
200 91 159 5
210 95 167 4
220 100 174 3
230 104 182 2

* Be sure to close the rebound dial, turn clockwise until dial stops. To set, count clicks turning counter-clockwise.

Rider Weight Air Pressure Rebound
Pounds Shorthand Kilograms Shorthand PSI Shorthand Clicks from closed
60 27 55 14
70 32 57 14
80 36 59 14
90 41 62 14
100 45 64 14
110 50 67 14
120 54 70 14
130 59 80 14
140 63 90 14
150 68 98 13
160 73 105 12
170 77 113 11
180 82 120 10
190 86 127 9
200 91 135 8
210 95 140 6
220 100 150 5
230 104 157 4
240 109 167 3
250 113 180 1

* Be sure to close the rebound dial, turn clockwise until dial stops. To set, count clicks turning counter-clockwise.

Rider Weight Air Pressure Rebound
Pounds Shorthand Kilograms Shorthand PSI Shorthand Clicks from closed
100 45 70 11
110 50 80 11
120 54 89 10
130 59 99 10
140 63 109 9
150 68 119 8
160 73 129 8
170 77 138 7
180 82 148 7
190 86 158 6
200 91 168 5
210 95 178 5
220 100 187 4
230 104 197 4

* Be sure to close the rebound dial, turn clockwise until dial stops. To set, count clicks turning counter-clockwise.

Rider Weight Air Pressure Rebound
Pounds Shorthand Kilograms Shorthand PSI Shorthand Clicks from closed
100 45 62 8
110 50 71 8
120 54 80 7
130 59 89 7
140 63 98 6
150 68 107 6
160 73 116 5
170 77 125 5
180 82 134 4
190 86 143 4
200 91 152 3
210 95 161 3
220 100 170 2
230 104 179 2

* Be sure to close the rebound dial, turn clockwise until dial stops. To set, count clicks turning counter-clockwise.

Rider Weight Air Pressure Rebound
Pounds Shorthand Kilograms Shorthand PSI Shorthand Clicks from closed
60 27 55 14
70 32 57 14
80 36 59 14
90 41 62 14
100 45 64 14
110 50 67 14
120 54 70 14
130 59 80 14
140 63 90 14
150 68 98 13
160 73 105 12
170 77 113 11
180 82 120 10
190 86 127 9
200 91 135 8
210 95 140 6
220 100 150 5
230 104 157 4
240 109 167 3
250 113 180 1

* Be sure to close the rebound dial, turn clockwise until dial stops. To set, count clicks turning counter-clockwise.

Rider Weight Air Pressure Rebound
Pounds Shorthand Kilograms Shorthand PSI Shorthand Clicks from closed
100 45 62 8
110 50 71 8
120 54 80 7
130 59 89 7
140 63 98 6
150 68 107 6
160 73 116 5
170 77 125 5
180 82 134 4
190 86 143 4
200 91 152 3
210 95 161 3
220 100 170 2
230 104 179 2

* Be sure to close the rebound dial, turn clockwise until dial stops. To set, count clicks turning counter-clockwise.

Rider Weight Air Pressure Rebound
Pounds Shorthand Kilograms Shorthand PSI Shorthand Clicks from closed
100 45 70 11
110 50 80 11
120 54 89 10
130 59 99 10
140 63 109 9
150 68 119 8
160 73 129 8
170 77 138 7
180 82 148 7
190 86 158 6
200 91 168 5
210 95 178 5
220 100 187 4
230 104 197 4

* Be sure to close the rebound dial, turn clockwise until dial stops. To set, count clicks turning counter-clockwise.

Rider Weight Air Pressure Rebound
Pounds Shorthand Kilograms Shorthand PSI Shorthand Clicks from closed
121 55 55
143 65 65
165 75 75
187 85 85
209 95 100
303 137 145

* Be sure to close the rebound dial, turn clockwise until dial stops. To set, count clicks turning counter-clockwise.

Rider Weight Air Pressure Rebound
Pounds Shorthand Kilograms Shorthand PSI Shorthand Clicks from closed
60 27 35 4
70 32 37 4
80 36 40 3
90 41 45 3
100 45 50 2
110 50 55 2
120 54 60 2
130 59 65 2
140 63 70 2
150 68 77 2
160 73 85 1
170 77 93 1
180 82 100 1
190 86 110 1
200 91 120 1
210 95 130 1
220 100 140 1
230 104 150 0
240 109 160 0
250 113 170 0
285 129 205 0

* Be sure to close the rebound dial, turn clockwise until dial stops. To set, count clicks turning counter-clockwise.

Rider Weight Air Pressure Rebound
Pounds Shorthand Kilograms Shorthand PSI Shorthand Clicks from closed
60 27 35 5
70 32 37 5
80 36 40 5
90 41 45 5
100 45 50 5
110 50 55 5
120 54 60 5
130 59 65 5
140 63 70 5
150 68 77 5
160 73 85 4
170 77 93 4
180 82 100 3
190 86 110 2
200 91 120 2
210 95 130 1
220 100 140 1
230 104 150 1
240 109 160 1
250 113 170 1
285 129 205 1

* Be sure to close the rebound dial, turn clockwise until dial stops. To set, count clicks turning counter-clockwise.

Rider Weight Air Pressure Rebound
Pounds Shorthand Kilograms Shorthand PSI Shorthand Clicks from closed
60 27 35 5
70 32 37 5
80 36 40 5
90 41 45 5
100 45 50 5
110 50 55 5
120 54 60 5
130 59 65 5
140 63 70 5
150 68 77 5
160 73 85 4
170 77 93 4
180 82 100 3
190 86 110 2
200 91 120 2
210 95 130 1
220 100 140 1
230 104 150 1
240 109 160 1
250 113 170 1
285 129 205 1

* Be sure to close the rebound dial, turn clockwise until dial stops. To set, count clicks turning counter-clockwise.

Rider Weight Air Pressure Rebound
Pounds Shorthand Kilograms Shorthand PSI Shorthand Clicks from closed
88 40 45 8
134 61 65 8
145 66 70 8
154 70 74 7
168 76 80 7
180 82 85 6
191 87 90 6
205 93 96 5
216 98 101 5
228 103 106 4
239 108 111 4
253 115 117 3
260 118 120 1
265 120 122 2

* Be sure to close the rebound dial, turn clockwise until dial stops. To set, count clicks turning counter-clockwise.

Rider Weight Air Pressure Rebound
Pounds Shorthand Kilograms Shorthand PSI Shorthand Clicks from closed
88 40 45 8
134 61 65 8
145 66 70 8
154 70 74 7
168 76 80 7
180 82 85 6
191 87 90 6
205 93 96 5
216 98 101 5
228 103 106 4
239 108 111 4
253 115 117 3
260 118 120 1
265 120 122 2

* Be sure to close the rebound dial, turn clockwise until dial stops. To set, count clicks turning counter-clockwise.