European HeadShok Service Recommended Retail Prices


When a HeadShok product is shipped to an Authorized HeadShok Service Center (HSSC) for service, an updated cost estimate and expected lead time from the approval date will be issued.

  • No actions will be taken until the cost estimate is approved.
  • In case of rejection, shipping and evaluation costs will be applied.
  • The HSSC might request your payment receipt before taking any further actions.

As a reminder, always include a copy of the original invoice of the goods and the last performed maintenance / service together with the shipped product.

The products sent for service must be clean, properly protected and packed to prevent any shipping damages.

A cleaning fee might be applied in case the goods are not clean.

Service types

Lefty Ocho, Oliver, Olaf, 2.0 and SuperMax
Service Periodicity Service performed by
100 Hours Service Every 100 hours or before one year (whatever expires first) Authorized Cannondale Dealer or Authorized HeadShok Service Center
200 Hours Service Every 200 hours or before two years (whatever expires first) Authorized HeadShok Service Center
100 Hours Service
Air seals replacement & cartridge inspection
100 €
Switzerland: 167 CHF, Scandinavia**
Denmark / Sweden / Finland: 898 DKK*
Norway: 1.250 KR**
UK: £ 99**
200 Hours Service
Telescope reconstruction and lubrication, air seals & cartridge service
Following listed parts will be replaced:
  • Air seals
  • Hydraulic seals
  • Inner racers
  • Outer racers
  • Lefty Delta wiper seal
  • Lefty Delta bushing
  • Lefty Delta bearings
200 €
Switzerland: 278 CHF**
Denmark / Sweden / Finland: 1.744 DKK*
Norway: 2.900 KR**
UK: £ 199**
* Excluded from this price structure:
Shipping costs
Fork removal/installation costs
Any other parts & labour not listed
** Excluded from this price structure:
Shipping costs
Fork removal/installation costs
Any other parts & labour not listed

Choose your Location

In order to get the most up to date product information and
experience, please choose your location.
